Hippo – Registration2024-08-28T14:31:02+03:00


The Olympiad is run in four stages: Preliminary Round, National Finals, Qualifiers (Regional Qualifiers see 3. Regional Qualifiers) and World Finals. Candidates who do not qualify for either the Qualifiers or World Finals will be given a chance to participate in Play-Off Qualifiers (See 4. Play-Off Qualifiers).

The first two rounds will be held on different dates in different countries.

1 – Preliminary Round: Saturday, 2 March 2024

Starting Time: 10.00am

Arrival time to the Venue: 9.30am








2 – National Finals Round: Saturday, 20 April 2024 – RESULTS 

Starting Time: 10.00am

Arrival time to the Venue: 9.30am

3 – Regional Qualifiers Round: 22-25 May 2024, Venice, Italy

Students invited to the Regional Qualifiers will be requested to pay a participation fee ranging from €60 to €100, depending on the location. The participation fee will cover the costs of insurance, merchandising (given to the participants upon arrival), participation in the organised activities and examination materials. Where applicable, a package including accommodation and participation fee will be proposed to the participants through an exclusive service provider. Students and accompanying teachers or parents will need to cover the costs of travel and accommodation. Travel arrangements will need to be made by the participants themselves, while Hippo will propose accommodation options.

Students and one accompanying teacher or parent are expected to arrive at the venue one day before the examination date. The examinations will take place on the morning after while the proclamation of winners will take place in the evening.

Winners of each HIPPO category and for any of the Region will proceed to the World Finals.


The Global HIPPO Association will organise PLAY_OFF QUALIFIERS in order to give additional participants the opportunity to reach HIPPO 2024 World Finals by offering an intensive five-day HIPPO English Language preparation course followed by a HIPPO Test to be taken on day 6.

PLAY-OFF QUALIFIERS are open to Hippo 2, Hippo 3, Hippo 4 and Hippo 5 students of both regular and special categories.

Where the number of enrolments in a specific region reaches 3,000 students in the 2024 edition, with a minimum of 300 candidates per Hippo Category, Play-Off Qualifiers will be organised.

Play-Off Qualifiers will be held in the United Kingdom in the first week of August 2024.

Students with the best ranking among those not qualified for the World Finals or for the Regional Qualifiers will be admitted to Play-Off Qualifiers. The number of students admitted to Play-Off Qualifiers per category and country will be proportional to the number of preliminary round participants in each category per country.

Play-Off Qualifiers will be held in person. Online examinations will not be available and no exemptions will be made.

If a student does not confirm their participation within 15 days of the invitation to Play-Off Qualifiers, the next student in the ranking list from the same country will be invited. The minimum percentage of achievement for a student to be invited to the Qualifiers will be 70% of the first ranked student points.

Students invited to the Play-Off Qualifiers will be requested to pay a participation fee.

Students will need to make their own travel arrangements and cover the costs themselves. The participation fee will cover the costs of teaching, learning materials, half-board accommodation, insurance, merchandising (given to the participants upon arrival). Costs and other details are available in a separate document.

No accompanying teachers or parent are accepted. Students will be accommodated in a college open to students only, supervised by guardians 24/7.

The courses will be taught by Hippo examiners, 4 hours a day, for a total of 20 hours. Students will be divided into groups based on the category in which they had participated. Lessons will be tailor-made and will include Hippo mock examinations. Play-Off Qualifiers examinations will take place on the morning of the 6th day of their stay, while the proclamation of winners will take place in the evening.

Winners of each HIPPO category and for any of the Region will proceed to the World Finals.

5 – Final Round: 23-26 September 2024, Assisi, Italy

180 finalists (plus wildcards, for details please see 10. Marking and Ranking) as well as a school representative (chosen by the school), e.g., the student’s teacher, will be invited to the final round of the Olympiad.

Global Hippo Association keep the right to increase the number of finalists if the number of applicants exceeds 83,295, in accordance with the Olympiad regulations.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Sunday, 10 February 2024
REGISTRATION FEE: €25,00 – Click HERE to register



