agendad2020-05-14T09:29:25+03:00Dear all, Due to the quick evolution of the coronavirus outbreak, the Kangourou Mathematics
Dear all, Due to the quick evolution of the coronavirus outbreak, the Kangourou Mathematics
European Mathematical Society
Upcoming ERASMUS+ KA1 Confirmed Course: Preparation of proposals and Management of EU Projects 4
International Day of MathematicsThe infinite life of Pi
Forum Open Day November 22 @ 6:30 pm Open Day Συνάντηση γνωριμίας
HIPPO International English Olympiad HIPPO International English Olympiad website: Competition Dates:
Kangourou Competitions 2019-2020 Greek Competition Mathematics Competition English
Mathematics Journalistic Article Competition European Mathematical Society The competition will be held
Cyprus STEAME Communication Competition 2019 Συνεδριακό Κέντρο, Λευκωσία (Nicosia Conference Centre) Στο